Monday, 4 March 2013

My Little Blog Book!

Starting a blog book was honestly the most useful thing I ever did in regards to blogging. It's such a great way to note down any ideas for new posts, draft posts, tags and notes related to future posts so nothing is forgotten. It's just a basic pukka pad notebook that I got from tesco, I stuck my blog header on the front to make it look a little nicer and more blog like. These pads come with dividers to separate sections, I've kept two in mine, one for posts and one towards the back of the notebook for notes related to posts and tags. In the first section I list all the post ideas and highlight them in a different colour depending on what type of post it is. In the case of my book blue is general beauty posts (my most used), pink is reviews and PR posts, green is personal related posts, orange is fashion posts and yellow is giveaways and tags. Each post is then crossed out and ticked at the side once it has been featured on my blog. I find that keeping all my ideas in the book will help me on those days when I'm lacking inspiration, I can just open my book and find something that I haven't blogged about. 
At the back I have a little section for keeping my notes in. Here I will write the main points of a product review to include as well as any tags I want to do, this way I can remember everything I need to included and all the questions I need to answer. 

Do any of you have a blog book?

Don't forget to follow me on twitter (@ItsCharrX) Facebook (itscharrblog) and Instagram(@ItsCharrX)
links are in the sidebar -->


  1. Love this! I just use an old notebook from high school...I might have to upgrade! ;)

  2. I definitely need to start this myself, such a great idea! :) x


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